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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Luhman, Luhmann Family Familien name

Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Becky Jonsgaard and
Sonia Henderson

Hart Cemetery

T"his is the transcription of Hart Cemetery. May 2000.
Hart Cemetery is located along Hwy 43 just south of Hart a few miles on
the right side of the road if approaching from Winona.
Many of the stones are in terrible shape and some are totally unreadable."

Buried at Winona

Note: M & M said we have someone in the family named Archie, could it be Luhmann or another family name.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Surnames of Reinstorf - Chronik

I am not sure how long it's been there as a website. Evidently it's a personal interest in the surnames of Reinstorf.

You could say it's about the village, You could say it's about the people, and you could say it's about what has happened in that village.

You could read the book by Heinrich Borstelman to see similar surnames in Reinstorf. In fact you could look at the many directories available at I do say that I have noticed many similar surnames of the landowners and citizens of Reinstorf over the years.

Reinstorf-Die Chronik bis 1800 a unique site online.

Reinstorf had their own church different than Radenbeck a village not far that had their church in the town of Thomasburg. Of course you know Radenbeck is the first home village of our Meyer. I say though, we need to keep an eye on this Reinstorf village. Be sure to check it out.

Himbergen Uelzen Has Been Represented With a Website

Have you seen this Himbergen website. The changes seem small, but to merge after being separate for so many years, it is really a big deal. Just imagine dividing up money among all the communities. among other decisions that have to made.

A few years back my reflection and feelings towards the unavailable information about this region Himbergen in Uelzen was very welllllll, discouraging. I was told in order to get the church documents one would have to go through archives from Hannover. Then I found out about the series of books by Gunda Friesch - Heinrich Porth, who presents families trees of those who lived in Uelzen. And now I am happy to find this site.

I hope eventually to find a chronicle here or even some community old photos and something abut the people.

I know, I am never satisfied, want more more and more.

Translation and german:
The community consists Himbergen in their present form since 1972.
Die Gemeinde Himbergen besteht in ihrer jetzigen Form seit 1972
Sie wurde aus der Gebiets- und Verwaltungsreform in Niedersachsen gebildet. It was the territorial and administrative reform in Niedersachsen formed.
Von 1966 bis 1972 gab es eine Samtgemeinde Himbergen, die aus den Gemeinden Almstorf, Brockhimbergen, Himbergen, Kl.Thondorf, Kettelstorf, Kollendorf, Rohrstorf und Strothe bestand. From 1966 to 1972 there was a municipality Himbergen to the municipalities Almstorf, Brockhimbergen, Himberg, Kl.Thondorf, Kettelstorf, Kolle village Rohrstorfer and Strothe consisted of.

Vorher bestanden seit 1962 Kassen- und Rechnungsverbände. Previously existed since 1962, cash and accounting associations. Davor waren alle Dörfer eigenständige Gemeinden ohne verwaltungsmäßige Zusammenschlüsse. Before that all villages were independent communities without administrative mergers.

Take a browse of Geschichte Himbergen.
