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Monday, September 2, 2013

A-39 news - Good to know

Around Barendorf are several articles about A- 39.
I would say there is  a conflict of interest.

arootdigger says=
Just publishing some old drafts

An Gut Horndorf in Lüneburg stadt

Some of the information below  came from this website:

Good Horndorf  is like Gut Horndorf

The location of these villages can be so confusing. 
I try to clear this up in my mind when I can. Located at Luneburg Nidersachen. I don't really know if I refer to these correctly, but I do try to be consistent.[ smile]
The management of the estate  Horndorf was merged with the Gut Sueschendorf In the village Mucklingen.

"Die Bewirtschaftung des Guts Horndorf wurde zusammen mit dem Gut Süschendorf bei dem Dorf Mücklingen zusammengelegt.
Bei der Einwohnerzählung im Jahre 1855 waren auf dem Gut Horndorf 40 Einwohner.
Im Jahre 1869 hatte das Gut 65 Einwohner (Quelle: Das Ortsregister v. Deutschen Reichs 1869)."

1871--An  Gut Horndorf--
Zu dem Gut gehörte eine Tagelöhner- Siedlung die sich (An den Jägerkaten) nennt
Just over a day laborer to the settlement belonged to the (at the hunter skating) calls.
Not sure what hunting skating ] calls is.
 It currently consists of three houses, one of which is privately owned it. One house was built around 1880 and served as a hunting lodge for the estate's rangers or hunters. This was often the landlord even if he stayed to times on the farm. Another day laborer house is located in the vicinity of the court. Still good 40 years ago many people were employed for the cultivation of the fields and the cattle on the farm. Today is only just a handful of the order needed.
In May 1887, the estate director Niestädt Kreiskoniteure was chosen as the administrative district of Lüneburg.
Some events from the time landlords have already been published as documents.

Thanks for stopping by- jo meyer
To be edited from time to time

My favorite website in nearly all the Germany at  has this to offer. I did lift it for a comment from you.


Ventschauer Dorfchronik

Schulzen, Ortsvorsteher und Bürgermeister

1750 ca. - 1760 Höfner Heinrich Schulte (Spörckischer Schulze)
1815 - 1830 Vollhöfner Jürgen Christian Thiele
1830 - 1846 Vollhöfner Heinrich Christian Ahrens
1846 - 1853 Vollhöfner Johann Jürgen Christian Ahrens
1853 - 1861 Vollhöfner Johann Friedrich Thiele
1861 - 1867 Höfner Heinrich Christian Wilhelm Meyer
1867(19.3) - 1867 (10.11) Vollhöfner Johann Friedrich Thiele
1867 - 1867 (19.12) Interimswirt Georg Westedt (Moislingen)
1867 - 1875 Vollhöfner Wilhelm Thiele
1875 - 1881 Interimswirt Johann Heinrich Tiedemann (Moislingen)
1881 - 1914 Höfner Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Bagung
1914 - 1924 Abbauer Friedrich Schulz
1924 - 1933 Gastwirt u. Ziegeleibesitzer Hans Bluhm
1933 - 1939 Landwirt Wilhelm Thiele
1939 - 1945 Gastwirt Hans Bluhm
1945 - 1949 Ziegeleibesitzer Ernst Krüger
1949 - 1974 Wilhelm Borchert