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Friday, May 7, 2010

Puffahrt - I like you a whole bunch -- Gerstenkorn, Meyer, Barge

I take the hard work of Manfred Puffahrt to share for all our benefit, and he does not mind. Again I take this material from older issues of the Hannover Kingdom mailing list.
Date: 2007/07/01 19:32:29

He wrote "Guten Abend,
ich suche noch was zu Gerstenkorn
aus Ellringen bei Dahlenburg.

Bis jetzt bekannt:
Anna Dorothea Gerstenkorn
* 5.12.1756 in Ventschau /
+ Haar 1784

Eltern : Heinrich Gerstenkorn
Hw. in Ventschau
u. Marie Elisabeth geb. Schröder
oo 8.7.1748 Nahrendorf

Hinrich Gerstenkorn,
Sohn des Colo. in Ellringen Leonhard G.
mit Marie Elisabeth Schröder
( wwe. Meyer ) Tochter des Heinrich Schröder
Hw. in Ventschau
Heinrich Gerstenkorn + 22.9./ 24.9.1769 61 J.alt
Ventschau / Nahrendorf (
*1708 Ellringen )

Marie E. Schröder * 9.9.1707 Ventschau

P: Marie Ilsalbe Tädern u.
Elisabeth Steinhauer aus Ventschau
Hans Kriel aus Brese
Hinrich Schröder + 9.2.1751
Ventschau / Nahrendorf
He concluded properly.
I am so glad he was sharing.


KB Stapel folgende Trauungen gefunden:
oo 5.3.1881
Anderson, Hans August Arbeitsmann in Stapel
mit Meinke, Auguste Wilhelmine
oo 10.12.1876
Roloff, Joh. Heinrich Arbeitsmann in Haar
Anderson, Mar. Christina aus Gr.Kühren. He concluded his letter properly of course,

Note: I am already paying attention to the villages by Hitzacker and those of Dannenberg. What is important about his information for me is the location of Gerstenkorn at Ellringen. Schroder of Ventschau. Ties to our beloved Nahrendorf. [ I must not forget the new information I have received of the Wittig / Thiele family tree.- Ged bas.] I wonder why he capitalized In.

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