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Friday, October 21, 2016

WENIGE - pafg05 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File

More Rosseborg family history posts from the absent Wenige website
WENIGE - pafg05 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File: 

"Heinrich Jürgen Friedrich ROSSEBORG -(179)
 [Eltern] wurde am 09..Juli.1868 in Pommoissel, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen geboren. Er erhielt am 26..Juli.1868 in Nahrendorf, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen die Kleinkindtaufe. Er heiratete Wilhelmine Maria Elise BUBACH (-183)  am 24..Januar.1896 in Nahrendorf, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen 
1. Heinrich ist ev beigetreten.
Wilhelmine Maria Elise BUBACH -(183)
[Eltern] wurde am 11..Mai.1876 in Lüben, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen geboren. Sie erhielt am 19..Mai.1876 in Nahrendorf, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen die
1. Sie heiratete Heinrich Jürgen Friedrich ROSSEBORG  -(179) am 24..Januar.1896 in Nahrendorf, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen 
2. Wilhelmine ist ev.. beigetreten.
Sie hatten die folgenden Kinder:
Fi Wilhelmine Marie Elise Rosseborg (-63)''

That's all I have for family history of Rosseburg and Bubach from Pommoissel and Lueben.  I haven't checked to see how much they relate to family history those Rosseborg family  shown in Oldendorf hof 30.

Genealogie Story of Fritz Meyer's Friend, Frederick Schroeder from Oldendorf und Nahendorf

               Older draft 
This article or one clipping from a newspaper that I read earlier almost like this one, is fondly recalled to my mind, because it gave me my first clues for a genealogy start on my Meyer family in Oldendorf und Nahrendorf as well as vast and wide Iowa.

Instead of scanning it, I am typing out this article I have found in the Calhoun county Iowa history book 1851 - 1982. pp. 393. I made my own adjustments since I am the author of this post.

SCHROEDER FREDERICK (1836 -1889) Frederick Schroeder was born in Northern Germany in 1836. His future wife Mary Saucke, daughter of Henry and Mary Saucke, was born on January 29 th in 1847 at Oldendorf Germany, On January 1, 1869 they were married at Narendorf Germany.

[ There is a picture at this point of Elisabeth Schroeder and Mrs Frederick with an unknown Dorothea. who looks a little like granny of the Clampets Hillbillies, who luck was to strike it rich in oil or Texas gold that is. }

Frederick was a carpenter by trade and among other things, helped build watch towers in the forests of Germany. Mary, who lived to an old age and provided much of this information, claimed to have helped prepare meals for the German royalty, when they would come to the forests in their part of Germany for the annual hunting trip called " schutzenfest" Kaiser Wilhelm, crown prince of Germany, was among those in the hunting party.

The marriage of Frederick and Mary was blessed with one son Fred, and two daughters Mary and Elizabeth all of whom were born in Germany.

Possibly because of numerous wars in Germany, together with the desire to fo
llow other friends to the new world in search of a better life, the Schroeders immigrated to the United States. The young family came by steamship across the ocean. The trip lasted about three weeks and they landed in New York July 4th in 1883.

They preceded west an stayed for a time at Joliet, Illinois where Frederick worked at his carpenter trade. Then before winter was to set in, he once again went westward in search of old friends from Germany now settled in Northern Greene County Iowa. He traveled by train to Churdan, Iowa, and after much difficulty in communication because of the language, was directed north east of Churdan to the Frederick Meyer family [ Frederick Meyer had 00. md. 1882 in Jackson county Iowa] He walked on foot through shoulder high prairie grass, around numerous ponds , and through marshy areas until he found the Fred Meyer home. [ His friend from Oldendorf. ]

Together they prepared a meager home in a vacant outbuilding near the Meyers and were soon joined by Mary and the children.

They stayed there about a year and then bought a quarter section of land south west of Farnhamville in Reading township, Calhoun County. Here they built a new substantial house of frame construction . due to his old world influence, the house was insulated with sun - baked clay bricks handmade from the clay they dug out from a nearby hillside. These bricks were placed between the studding with a clapboard siding put on the outside with plaster lath and plaster walls on the inside. With true pioneer spirit they continued to farm, gradually changing the prairie wilderness to the highly productive area we know today.

Frederick was not long to live in his new house, having passed away in 1889. Mary and the children continued to farm and raised chickens, hogs, and Cattle. As the children grew to adults additional land was acquired as well as a home in Farnhamville.

Son Fred married Anna Seil of Joliet, will county Illinois and eventually moved back to Illinois.
Daughter Mary married Richard Kanning of Churdan and settled north of that community. Daughter Elizabeth married William Schroeder and they continued the Calhoun county farming operation.

Mary Elizabeth Schroeder, the pioneer wife of Frederick, died in 1938 at the age of 91 years. Surviving were her three children, twenty one grandchildren, and fifteen great grandchildren. Clipping Submitted by Ruth Consier.

My comments:
Notice the spelling of Narendorf. There is a place Narendorf Germany, which is not in Bleckede or Goehrde area. I only recently discovered that little fact. However my research tells me that it is really suppose to be Nahrendorf.

Our Fred at one time or another spelled his name the same way.. Frederick and Friederich.

I imagine that Frederick Schroeder had much to tell Fred Meyer. He maybe too carried messages from his brother Wilhelm Meyer. As you know Wilhelm himself was to set off to America the next year in the spring of 1884. I am sure this is how some sent news to loved ones in america through people they knew leaving to join the others.

Maybe Fred remembered this Anna Seil while he was at Joliet at the 1883 time of early emigration. Maybe Fred Schroeder family kept in touch with those who lived in that area. I know my Frederick Meyer of this article kept in touch with family and old friends of Illinois and Michigan. In fact he also had an early death. Fred Meyer had died by 1919. His wife had gone a few years earlier. However, Fred and three others of ihs family died with him.

Yes, I just love this article. It told us soooooooo much. and led me to other clues. I wish we had some kind of documentation of their stay at Joliet , and who they knew there as well from their past. And how they knew to find Frederick Meyer at Churdan. After all in 1869 he left home  [ Oldendorf ] to be in Galena, Jo Daviess county Illinois. He left there and went to Jackson county, Iowa. And to settle and farm with cheaper land deals to the area Fred found him. on foot. I think I remember reading somewhere that Mary Elizabeth Schroeder remarried. I'll have to see if I can back up that speculation.

So who else came from Oldendorf / Nahrendorf?. Who maybe stopped off at Joliet, Illinois first. or others even from Dahlenburg area and Bleckede. I think they could have gone to Iowa too. We know his fathers sister-in-law Mary Mollemann was at Galena, who married Ahrens before Fredrick Meyer was to emigrate. Maybe a time line is needed. Schenk did as well.

And now to topic of Seil. the name seems to come out all over the place, these days with little ties to each other. Notice in link below with Schroeder name the Seil name appears. I just don't know anything about the Seils of Joliet Illinois. I wish I did. I have at least six separate families of the Seil familien name. We cannot forget that Henry Dohrmann and his wife Dorothea Seil from Hamburg also went to Joliet, Will county Illinois and came to settle in the Farnhamville area.

It would be nice to learn more about the William Schroeder, whom the Friederick daughter married.

Many villages in germany have Schutzenfest shooting contests. It makes me think of the story of William Tell. Schutzenfest test the marksmanship. However, one should be on the rich side to win the chance to become Koenig or King because it becomes a big party at your expense.

For more reading and links try these links:

Saucke mentioned in Fred Meyer birth records.

Schroeder mentioned in Meyer records / Questions

Marriage of Anna Seil and fred Schroeder at Joliet [Stein Tree]

**You must read this post on surname Saucke, Daetz, Wolter[s]Schroeder!!

Fisbeck gives much info on residents of Will county


Local Newspaper may have articles on the Schutzenfest.

Images dahlenburg

Hunting at historical Goehrde
Jagd Schloss- One area where the towers were in the forest.

Lüneburger Heide: Erlebnistouren im Schnuckenland" src="" height=80>

Lüneburger Heide: Erlebnistouren im Schnuckenland‎ - Page 47

Gisela Buddée, Urs Kluyver - History - 2005 - 113 pages

Jagd- schloss von Göhrde (23 km südöstl.), mitten *£? in einem der größten
Waldgebiete Deutschlands gelegen, ... 05821/570,

Comment 2:
Well, I have been asked several times to put in my blog what I know of This Frederick Schroeder family. Unfortunately, I know so little. My source has been only this and another similar article. Plus the little bit you can find in the Stein tree link. Iadmit though, that I have not searched lately to see if there are more on this Schroeder family trees " out there" at the heritage medias. But, I think you should definately use the search box at this blog and my arootdiggers blog link for all information I have in church records and family records of this surname Schroeder. No doubt there is more to come.
If you have information, I would love to hear it.
just me jo

I found one account that a SAUCKE was high up in a tree during the Battle of the Gohrde 1813. It was a reason he earned a nickname. You know the famous battle with the Napolians French was fought at Stenke Hill at the outskirts of Oldendorf. Not far from Roethen and Sueschendor as well. A  landmark monument now stands in this area  This was mentioned at Tosterglope Chronicle/   I provided a link to the website of the region.

Perhaps you will find something else on the family, that I missed. I find the family of Saucke from Dahlenburg and Leestahl very interesting. Saucke family seem to connect to everyone. They and LUHMANN were well respected individuals in the farming community. Both ran for some kind of government office a few years ago. I am not sure who won . 

 Saucke family connect to Horn[dorf] or just Horn with family BURMESTER. I am not sure if this same Saucke is connected to that family. Documents said my Jurgen Hch. Wilhelm MEYER worked at Horn at the time of his marriage. The Boitze/ Neetzendorf Saucke connect to the Oldendorf/ Nahrendorf SAUCKE.  According to one message I received about one of them who were god parents for one of Mary and Wilhelms children. And by now you maybe know that Saucke attended the Farnhamville St. Peters Eve. Lutheran Church in that area. They were related to Nahnsen, Naefke, Kanning, AHRENS SEIL, Schroeder. Among many others. I have found several trees with their familien name. I am sure to find many more. I found one account that a Saucke was in a tree during the battle of the Gohrde. Okay now here is the Saucke I have found this time. I took the liberty of highlighting names.

Hann. 74 Bleckede W Reg.ll loc. 5 H Nr. 63
Haupstaatsarchiv Hannover Sonderfindbücher

1. Sauke, Heinrich Wilhelm, Dahlenburg
2. 05. 09. 1847, Leestahl
4. Sauke, Johann Heinrich; Sauke, Dorothea Elisabeth, geb. Schwabe
7. Toledo/Nordamerika
8. 03. 07. 1867
10. ältester Bruder Sauke, Johann dort; bittet dringend
darum, daß sein Bruder kommt, da er ihn in seinem
Schlachtbetrieb braucht; er selbst hat vor kurzem
Thiele, Bertha geheiratet, die mit ihren Eltern vor
5 Jahren aus Berlin dorthin auswanderte; Eltern haben
inzwischen eine große Färberei; er selbst will
sich diesen Sommer ein Haus bauen und hat in seinen
Betrieb gerade 700 Taler für eine Dampfmaschine zum
Fleischhacken (1000 Pfund in 3 Stunden) investiert
(Brief des Sauke, Johann vom 27. 03. 1867 liegt bei)

Note: The name Thiele does crop up from time to time from Oldendorf / Nahrensorf and Ventschau.
Note: My own nephew married a Saucke in the golden western area. Not Related To Any I Show

-That letter I think would be interesting to see.
They went to Ohio. Hmmm. Now there were Schwab in church records amongst the family members records that I have. I shall have to review them.
*-Recently I found some information about the Schwab(e) family in the Church of Christ  church by Farnhamville. I think there could be a connection to the family of Karl F. Grosse and wife  Eliabeth Saucke from Netzendorf  on ship April 8-9 1873. More about this later. Census shows some Grosse settled ohio too. The Schwabe family also settled at Pennsyl. and some went to the area by Webster Iowa. I found some names in Church of Christ archives.

'just me jo'

Auswanderer Familien namen Schroeder, Schenk

Interesting Passengers and Residents of Hannover Auswanderer
Schenk, Shank, Schroeder, Schroder, For family research

Hann.  74  Bleckede W.  Reg. 11 Loc. 5 G. Nr. 60  
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schenk, Heinrich Christian Wilhelm, Bleckede
2. Ventschau
3. Fuhrmann
5. Schenk, Catharine Sophie Margarethe, geb. Schröder;
Schenk, Sophie Friederike Dorothee;
Schenk, Jürgen August Wilhelm;
Schenk, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm;
Schenk, Marie Dorothee;
Schenk, Marie Dorothee Margarethe (alle 5 Kinder unter
14 Jahre alt)
7. Iowa
8. Sept. 1866

Never expected this one.
He may be the guy who lived in Prairie Springs in Jackson county, Iowa 1880.

Hann.  89  Lueneburg Nr. 957
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, Georg Heinrich Jacob, Bleckede
2. ca. 28 Jahre alt
7. Amerika
8. 1849 nach dem 26. 10.

Hann. 74  Bleckede W.  Reg. 11 Loc. 5 G. Nr. 60
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, Jürgen Heinrich Wilhelm, Estorffscher Acker
2. 22. 09. 1847, Vorbleckede
3. Ackerarbeiter
7. Minnesota
8. 11. 07. 1866
10. Vaters Bruder in Minnesota wird ihn aufnehmen

Hamm. 70 Nr. 249
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover

Hann.  74  Bleckede W.  Reg. 11 Loc. 5 G. Nr. 60Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, Johann Jürgen Friedrich, Süttorfer Moor
2. 16. 01. 1850
3. Ackerarbeiter
4. Schröder, Jürgen Heinrich Friedrich
7. Iowa
8. Sept. 1866
10. wandert in Begleitung seines Onkels - Schwager des
Vaters - aus; 2 Onkel bereits in Nordamerika

Celle  Br.  61a Nr. 1009Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover
Amt Bleckede:
Diebstähle des Hans Rohr zu Dahlenburg und seiner Frau Ilse, die für sie erwachsenen Verpflegungskosten des Bürgermeisters zu Dahlenburg Christoph Schröder und ihre Schulden bei Eberhard Meyer und Johann Voss in Lüneburg
auch: Hann. 74 Bleckede W Reg. II Loc. 5 H Nr. 63

Celle  Br.  55 Nr. 145/2Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover
1) Der Lüner Müller wegen Abforderung des Schosses, 1612 2) Die Erde zur Unterhaltung der Elbdeiche bei Bleckede, 1612 3) Die Affigierung einer alten Ordnung des Rates der Stadt Lüneburg zur Verhütung von Unterschleif in der Lüner Mühle,die der Amtmann zu Lüne wieder abnehmen ließ, 1612-1614, 1673 Dabei: Kopie der städtischen Mühlenordnung von 1612 April 4, die sich auf Ordnungen von 1488, 1551 und 1561 beruft 4) Die Beschwerden der Bürgerschaft zu Lüneburg gegen den Rat, 1612-1619 5) Lüneburg ./. das Amt Winsen/Luhe wegen eines vorgeschlagenen Reverses, 1613 6) Lüneburg ./. das Amt Winsen/Luhe betr. unterschiedliche Gravamina, 1613 7) Beschwerden der Stadt Lüneburg, insbesondere der Fischhändler, über verbotenen Verkauf, (1586-)1614 8) Die Beschwerde des Lüneburger Bürgers Ludolf Meyer, daß ihm der Holzhandel verweigert wurde, während er den Bremern, Stadern und Buxtehudern gestattet ist, 1614 9) Der Kreiskasten zu Lüneburg, 1605-1615 Dabei: Abrechnungen 10) Die Bitte des Heinrich Twite, Bürger zu Lüneburg, zehn Schock Latten und zehn Schock Tannendielen nach Hamburg auführen zu dürfen, 1615 11) Extrakt aus der Instruktion für die Gesandten der Stadt Lüneburg an Herzog Christian wegen der Auffindung einer Kindesleiche im Teiche bei der Goseburg weswegen der Stadt vom Amte Winsen/Luhe Schwierigkeiten gemacht werden,1616 12) Die Fischerei auf der Ilmenau und der Steinbruch im Amte Medingen, 1616 13) Kreditiv der Stadt Lüneburg für die an Herzog Christian abgeschickten Gesandten Dr. Johann Melbeck und Statius Tobing, 1616 (vgl. Nr. 11) 14) Lüneburg ./. Medingen wegen der Wasserbäume und des Steinbruchs, 1616 15) Die Zinsen von 6000 Rhein. Gulden Kapital, die der Rat der Stadt Lüneburg jährlich der Propstei Ebstorf entrichten muß, 1616 16) Die rückständige Besoldung des gewesenen. Stadtmedicus Dr. Peter Finx, 1616-1618 17) Ein Mandat, das die Kapitalaren zu S. Blasii in Braunschweig gegen den Herzog und die Stadt Lüneburg vom kaiserlichen Kammergericht betr. Sulzgefälle erhielten, 1617 18) Eingabe der Brauer, Gastgeber, Korn- und Everführer zu Lüneburg wegen der Schifffahrt auf der Süderelbe, 1617 19) Der Schiffer Christoph Schröder und seine Kreditoren, 1617-1618 20) Bitte des Rats der Stadt Lüneburg um Anweisung eines Platzes, wo das in der Mark Brandenburg erhandelte und den Elbstrom heruntergebrachte Holz gesetzt werden kann, 1617 21) Claus Grote zu Wittorf ./. die Witwe des Nicolaus Stoterogge zu Lüneburg wegen eines Kothofes und einer Wiese zu Wittorf. (1602-)1617-1619 22) Stift Bardowick ./. die Stadt Lüneburg wegen unerhörter Neuerungen und Auflagen, 1618 23) Die Absicht des Herzogs Christian, zu Winsen/Luhe eine neue Münzstätte einzurichten, 1618 24) Die Fuhrleute zu Winsen/Luhe ./. den Rat zu Lüneburg wegen von Lüneburg weggenommener Heidewagen, 1618 25) - 26) Die Bitte des Schiffers Christoph Schröder zu Lüneburg um Erlaß der Akzise, 1619 27) Eingabe der Stadt Lüneburg betr. die Zünfte und Gilden der Stadt sowie der Zunftrollen, in specie die Kramer,1619 28) Die herzogliche Obligation an Lüneburg für 6000 Reichstaler, sowie die Erstattun

Reg. I  Loc. 40  Nr. 12b
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover
Das von Henrich Schröder gekaufte Gerkesche Haus zu Bleckede
und die für dieses Haus nachgesuchte Konzession zum
Branntweinbrennen und -ausschenken

Reg.  II  Loc. 202  Nr.9
Hann. 74 Bleckede (W) Nr. 611
Beitreibung rückständiger Exekutionskosten vom Gastwirt
Schröder in Bleckede

Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
Hann.  74  Dannenberg  Nr. 714
1. Schröder, August Heinrich Wilhelm, Lüneburg
2. 22. 01. 1847, Sückau
3. Dienstknecht
4. Schröder, Johann Joachim Heinrich;
Schröder, Catharine Dorothee Friederike, geb. Börger
8. fehlt bereits bei der Musterung 1868; verurteilt
als ausgetretener Militärpflichtiger

Hann.  72  Luneburg  Nr. 138
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbüch
1. Schröder, Franz Jürgen Heinrich, Thomasburg
2. 25.08.1848
4. Schröder, Franz Jürgen (Häusling, gest. 10.02.1864)
7. Amerika
8. ca. 1871
10. Eintrag im Lüneburger Vormundschaftsbuch [Hauptnr. 617]
zu fünf minderjährigen Kindern vom 07.11.1871 besagt:
"Pupill ad 3 ist jetzt in Amerika". Der jüngere Bruder
Johann Jrg. Hr. Friedrich (geb. 1851) folgt wenige Jahre
später nach.

Hann.  72  Lüneburg  Nr.138
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, Johann Jürgen Heinrich Friedrich, Thomasburg
2. 03.01.1851
4. Schröder, Franz Jürgen (Häusling, gest. 10.02.1864)
7. Amerika
8. ca. 1874
10. Eintrag im Lüneburger Vormundschaftsbuch [Hauptnr. 617]
zu fünf minderjährigen Kindern vom 7.8.1874 besagt: "Pupill
ad 3 ist gleichfalls nach Amerika gegangen". Der ältere
Bruder Franz ist bereits 1871 nach Amerika ausgewandert.

Hann. 80   Lüneburg  Nr. 956
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, Dannenberg (15 Jahre dort in Dienst)
2. Göhrde
3. Dienstmädchen
7. Amerika oder andere überseeische Gebiete
8. 1858

Hann.  72  Dannenberg  Nr.168
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover: Sonderfindbücher
1. Schröder, männl., Mammoissel
3. Knecht
7. Amerika
8. ca. 1857
10. Der Knecht Schröder hatte zusammen mit Anne Cathrine
Elisabeth Labahn aus Platenlaase eine uneheliche Tochter,
Anne Cathrine Marie (geb. 09.02.1857, gest. 03.03.1858),
weshalb am 25.03.1857 eine Vormundschaft eingerichtet wurde.
Ein Eintrag im Dannenberger Vormundschaftsbuch lautet: "Der
so weit bekannt mittellose Vater des Kindes, Knecht Schröder
aus Mammoissel, ist nach Amerika gewandert. Das Kind
befindet sich bei der Mutter im Armenhause zu Platenlaase".

Nr. 835
Celle  Br.  58 B V  Nr. 396
Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover
Jürgen Schröder zu Sammatze (Amt Dannenberg) iwegen Diebstahl.
Jürgen Schröder zu Sammatze (Amt Dannenberg) iwegen Diebstahl.

I hope this helped someone in their  family history research. You can find them in the new Hannover archives website.   I found them in the old AIDA site. 

WENIGE - pafg02 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File

 I am going to dive right in with more from Wenige tree page. The M&M guy of Martin co. Mn. told me that  we had the name WITTLER  as in the artist and the rocking chair.  I wonder if this is whom he was referring.

WENIGE - pafg02 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File:
Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm WITTLER (-43)
[Eltern] wurde am *30.April.1841 in Stadensen, Uelzen, Niedersachsen geboren.
Er erhielt am 23.Mai.1841 in Nettelkamp, Stadensen, Uelzen, Niedersachsen die
1. Er heiratete Catharine Marie Dorothe GEHRKE -(44)  am  md.  02..Oktober.1870 in Nettelkamp, Stadensen, Uelzen, Niedersachsen.
2. Heinrich arbeitete als Dienstknecht. Er ist ev beigetreten.

Catharine Marie Dorothe GEHRKE (-44)
 [Eltern] wurde am *08.Mai.1845 in Ostedt, Uelzen, Niedersachsen geboren. Sie erhielt am 11.Mai.1845 in ev., Lehmke, Uelzen, Niedersachsen die
1. Sie heiratete Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Wittler (-43 ) am md.  02..Oktober.1870 in Nettelkamp, Stadensen, Uelzen, Niedersachsen.
2. Catharine arbeitete als Dienstmagd beschäftigt.
Sie hatten die folgenden
Emma Wittler - (242) wurde am *30..August.1867 in Kallenbrock, Stadensen, Uelzen, Niedersachsen geboren.
Wilhelm Heinrich Hermann Wittler -(40).

We do have Gehrke in the family, but I havent figured out if this is ours as of yet.

More to come 
just me jo

WENIGE - pafg07 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File

It was a few years back I used to be able to access this Wenige  family history page of ancestry file. It's gone now to my regret. So there is a replacement with info that don't interest me. I will leave the linkage. Just Know its no longer the same.  I never did find out to who it belonged. There was no way to consult with the owner. Much to my regret.  I left in his ID numbers.

WENIGE - pafg07 - Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File:

"-Hans Heinrich Rosseborg - (320)
[Eltern] wurde am *25..März.1786 in Oldendorf,Dahlenburg,Niedersachsen geboren. Er starb am +21..April.1837 in Lüben, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen.

Er heiratete 00   Alwine Magarethe Elisabeth Sauke -(321)  Hans
arbeitete als Hirte.
Alwine Magarethe Elisabeth SAUKE - (321) wurde am *30.November.1780 in Dübbekold, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen geboren. Sie starb am +01.Dezember.1846 in Oldendorf,Dahlenburg,Niedersachsen.
Sie heiratete md.  Hans Heinrich ROSSEBORG  -(320)
Sie hatten die folgenden
-Catharine Elisabeth Rosseborg (-97)

Unbek. -(98) [Eltern] wurde am *25..März.1786 in Oldendorf,Dahlenburg,Niedersachsen geboren. Er starb am +21.April.1837 in Lüben, Dahlenburg, Niedersachsen.

Er heiratete Anna Dorothea Röher -(318).
Unbek. arbeitete als Knecht in Ventschau,
Kuhhirte in L?. Er ist ev. beigetreten.
Anna Dorothea Röher -(318).
Anna heiratete  md. Unbek. -(98).

-Anna Dorothea Röher (-154)
[Eltern] wurde am *02.April.1751 in Oldendorf,Dahlenburg,Niedersachsen geboren. Sie starb am +23.Dezember.1823 in Oldendorf,Dahlenburg,Niedersachsen.
Weitere Eheschließungen:

Rosseborg, Hans Heinrich

The family Sauke appears alot in my families at Iowa. Only yesterday I found  a Eliabeth Saucke married with Karl F. Grosse from Netzendorf. Two ship listings.  6 or 9 april 1873.  They must have stopped at Well county illinois and then down to Roland, Webster county, Iowa.  More on this new discovery  later.

I have a little more of these Wenige paged family in my drafts,  so I will publish them as much as I can.

just me jo

Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff -

Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff - "Home Person

Heinrich Wilhelm Schlaphoff
Birth: 1 May 1850
Tellmer, Niedersachsen, Germany
Death: 17 May 1933
Westergellersen, Niedersa"