Breeser Grund 13
Originally uploaded by thoguenther
Just as the branches have fallen from this beautyful great big tree, I too have family branches laying apart from my family tree. They are the fallen undiscovered branches. Unseen by my eye. They are like Orphans. If I could find them, I would adopt them in my family tree. I would nurture, and love them and share them.
I have undiscovered families of the daughters of Juergen Heinrich Friedrich and Katharina Margarethea from the Oldendorf village.
Doris Meyer, who married Koenig,
Magarete Meyer married Stille, A daughter unknown married Schmobel [?}
Mary married Fehring. I have
two unknown Meyer brothers. One stayed in germany and the other immigrated to Oregon. A unfound family of Henke. And many many other fallen branches of many other surnames of the family tree.
Will I find these people. Only time will tell. If you have clues or hints to help me find them, please comment.
In the
Meyer Family Book there is a mention of Schmobel under the
? Heading of daughter of Friedrich and Catharina Margaretha Meyer. It mentioned that this daughter
married a Schmoble, who was in the Shipping business. I think in Germany.
I went to my other blog on Meyer and Luhmann familien names and sort of copied the tree of Juergen Heinrich Friedrich Meyer. This way there is dates of birth for you to see. I hope that it will help you understand everything I am trying to tell you at the moment. The churchs' responses to my question about the kind or children is that they have
nothing further in years time about them.??
The 4 names -
Koenig, Schmobel, Fehring, Stille has
not been on any of
Juergen Hch. Wilhelm Meyer and Cathrina Luhmann Meyer's childrens birth records. The sisters might have been godparents before their marriages. And they may have been
married more than once. That is possible. I just am not sure if they have been godmothers to any of Williams children. If so, the married names do not match up with the names listed in the Meyer Book. As far as I know this
Meyer family book is the only place the married names are mentioned.
The obituary of Juergen Hch. Wilhelm Meyer states that
two sisters came to america.
One brother went to Oregon. Germ
One brother stayed in Germany. When the other known brother Juergen Hch. Friedrich Meyer left Hamburg in 27 - 28.April.1869 he was suppose to have sister
Maria, and
Leise with him.
Leise Or Liese maybe is Elisabeth.
Personenstammblatt v:3
Mandant : 00-Boitze 07.10.94
MEYER, Juergen Friedrich (M) ev
* 29.11.1814 Neetzendorf = Boitze
~ 30.11.1814 Dahlenburg
From the Taufregister Of the ev.-luth.
church archives of Dahlenburg
Nr. 46/ 1814 -Neetzendorff-
Juergen Friedrich Meyer, born d. 29sten
November 1814, Morgens 2 Uhr, get. d. 30 sten
November 1814 in der ersten Advent Woche.
Parents: Johann Juergen Meyer,
Shepherder, and Maria Elisabeth
born. Behrens from Neetzendorff.
Godparents :
Juergen Friedrich Behrens, Landowner in Neetzendorff.
+ 18.09.1879 (R) Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
+-20.09.1879 Nahrendorf
From the burial records Beerdigungsregister]
der ev.-Luth. church archive [Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 24/1879
Meyer, Juergen Friedrich, Parkwarter in Roethen,
64 years old 9 months and 19 days.
begr. 20. September 1879 in Nahrendorf.
Beruf: Landowner. in Oldendorf.
u. Parkwarter in Roethen.Park Warden in Roethen
1. Ehe Marriage:
~~18.05.1838 Nahrendorf
From the Marrige records[ Trauregister] der
ev.-luth. Church archives [Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 2/1838 -Eichdorf-
Meyer, Juergen Friedrich, A young up starting man a laborer [Junggesell,
angehender Hausling] and a shepherd of Neetzendorf , Parents [ ehel.] Son of shepherd Johann Juergen
Meyer zu Neetzendorf, u. dessen
verstorbener Ehefrau [and his wife ]Marie Elisabeth
born Behrens, and young
Katharine Margarethe Luhmann, she is daughter of the landowner
Johann Juergen Luhmann of Eichdorf
[und Dessen Ehefrau] and his wife Anne Marie geb. Reinecke.
Procl. zu Nahrendorf
u. Dahlenburg Dom. Jubilate et.
Cantate - cop. d. 18. Mai.
LUHMANN, Catharina Margaretha (F) ev
* 26.01.1818 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
~ 26.01.1818 Nahrendorf
From the birth and christening record of the
ev.-luth. church archives[Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Seite 42/1818 -Eichdorf-
Luhmann, Catharina Margaretha,
Den 26sten Januar, Morgens 3 Uhr,
getauft den 26sten Januar.
Eltern :
Johann Juergen Luhmann, Landowner of
Eichdorf and Anne Maria born Reinecke.
1.) Catharina Elisabeth Bartels, labores wife [Hauslingsfrau zu Eichdorf],
2.) Margaretha Eliabeth Barthelt, Dienstmagd zu Eichdorf.
+ 1856 Oldendorf + Nahrendorf
+-1856 Nahrendorf
1. Kind, child MEYER, Katharine Marie Elisabeth (F) ev
* 24.10.1839 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
~ 26.10.1839 Nahrendorf
From the birth and christening redords [Taufregister] of the
ev.-luth. church archives [Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 35/1839 -Eichdorf-
Meyer, Katharine Marie Elisabeth,
V., Father: Juergen Friedrich Meyer,
Hausler[laborer in Eichdorf],
M., Mother: Katharine Margarethe born Luhmann.
geb. d. 24. octbr, Abends 8 Uhr,
get.d. 26 ejusd.
1.) Marie Elisabeth Meyer from Eichdorf,
2.) Marie Luhmann, daher.
Marie 00 Fehring.....??
5. Kind Child MEYER, Marie Katharine (F) ev
* 27.10.1847 Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
~ 07.11.1847 Nahrendorf
From the christening and birth records [Auszug aus dem Taufregister] [of the church archives] der ev.-luth.
Kirchengemeinde Nahrendorf
Nr. 38/1847 -Oldendorf-
Meyer, Marie Katharine.
V., Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer, [Hsw.] Landowner in Oldendorf,
M., Mother : Katharine Margarthe born [geb] Luhmann, Geb.
d.27. Octbr. Abends 8 Uhr, get d.7. Novbr.
[Taufz] Godparent.:
1.) Marie Elisabeth Schmidt,
[Anbauersfrau aus] Farmers wife from Oldendorf,
2.) Katharine Marie Roehrs from [aus ]Oldendorf,
3.) Katharine Dorothea Meyer, landowners daughter there[ Hsw.tochter daher.].
2. Kind,Child MEYER, Katharine Margarethe Elisabeth (F) ev
* 02.02.1842 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
~ 05.02.1842 Nahrendorf
From the christening and birth [Taufregister] of the ev.-Luth.
Church archives [Kirchengemeinde]Nahrendorf
Nr. 8/1842 -Eichdorf-
Meyer, Katharine Margarethe Elisabeth,
V., Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer,
[Hausler]A Laborer in Eichdorf,
M., Mother: Katharine Margarethe geb. Luhmann,
Born d. 2. Febr.Nachm.
3 Uhr, get. d. 5. ejusd.
Godparent [Taufz].:
1.) Dorothea Elisabeth Luhmann, Landowners daughter from Eichdorf,
2.) Katharine Margarethe Seil, Landowners wife from Brese.
After 1845 the family moves [ emigrates] to Oldendorf.
4. Child, [Kind] MEYER, Katharina Dorothea Elisabeth (F) ev
* 12.09.1845 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
~ 14.09.1845 Nahrendorf
[Auszug aus dem Taufregister der ] From the birth and christening records of the archives [
Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 40/1845 -Eichdorf-
Meyer, Katharina Dorothea Elisabeth.
V.,Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer, Hausler in Eichdorf,
M., Mother : Katharine Margarethe geb Luhmann, Geb. d.
12. Septbr. Morgens 5 Uhr get. d. ejusd.
1.) Katharine Margarethe Dorothea Luhmann,
[Hauswirthsfrau aus]Landowners wife from Eichdorf,
2.) Katharine Dorothea Elisabeth Luhmann, Landowners daughter there
[Hauswirthstochter daher].
6. Kind, Child MEYER, Dorothea Elisabeth (F) ev
* 15.11.1849 Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
~ 19.11.1849 Nahrendorf
[From the christening and birth records ]Auszug aus dem Taufregister of the [der]
eve.-luth. Church archives [Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 44/1849 -Oldendorf-
Meyer, Dorothea Elisabeth,
V., Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer, Landownr [Hsw.] zu Oldendorf,
M., Mother : Katharine Magdaline born [geb]. Luhmann.
Geb. d. 15. Novbr. Morgens
6 Uhr, get.d. 19. ejusd.
Taufz, Godparent.:
1.) Anna Marie Elise Ellermann hieselbst,
2.) Katharine Dorothea Wolter from [aus] Oldendorf.
3. Kind,Child MEYER, Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm (M) ev
* 07.10.1843 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
~ 15.10.1843 Nahrendorf
From the [Auszug aus dem Taufregeister der]
ev.-luth. church archives ]Kirchengemeinde Nahrendorf
Nr. 32/1843 -Eichdorf-
Meyer, Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm,
V., Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer,
[Hausler] Laborer in Eichdorf,
M., Mother, : Katharine Margarethe born [geb.]. Luhmann,
Geb. d. 7. Octbr. Morgens 6 1/2 Uhr, get d.
15. ejusd.
Taufz, Godparent.:
1.) Johann Heinrich Seil, [Hauswirth]Landowner in Brese: in Brese,
2.) Juergen Heinrich Luhmann, Hauswirth in Eichdorf,
3.) Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm Schulz,
Landowner [Hauswirth] in Schutschur
+ Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
7. Kind, Child MEYER, Juergen Heinrich Friedrich (M) ev
* 09.12.1851 Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
~ 16.12.1851 Nahrendorf
From the christening and birth records [Auszug aus dem Taufregister] of the [der] ev.-luth. Church Archives [
Kirchengemeinde] Nahrendorf
Nr. 51 1851 -Oldendorf-
Meyer, Juergen Heinrich Friedrich,
V., Father : Juergen Friedrich Meyer, Landoowner [Hsw.] in Oldendorf,
M., Mother : Katharine Margarethe geb Luhmann
Geb. d. 9. Decbr. Abends 7 Uhr, get.d.16. ejusd.
1.) Juergen Friedrich Meyer, *Schulze [Mayor] in Oldendorf,
2.) Johann Juergen Heinrich Saucke, [Hsw.] landowner there. [daselbst],
3.) Heinrich Friedrich Wolter, Musicus daselbst.
LIESE could be Elisabeth. Nearly all the girls except one have the name Elisabeth. It could also be a girl born after little Fred Meyer, if the Father remarried.
SCHMOBEL = 00 Marries an unknown daughters name. I have looked the name is practically nonexistent. What else could it be. Schnabel? Schnebel?
Any suggestions?
Note 1. I have no idea where the original information came from FOR THE MEYER BOOK. WHERE DID THEY GET THE INFORMATION which would mention the names of the unknown brothers. The only document in the book that mentions the unknown brothers is in the obituary of Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm Meyer. That document was shown in the Meyer book. The Meyer book was a compilation of information submitted by many relatives in the basic Meyer tree from Oldendorf, Nahrendorf. There was no footnotes used and no documentaion, other than photos. I suppose the obituary was submited at the time of his death to the local newspaper by one of his relatives. He did keep some journals. No one other than Lois Carter has mentioned them. She has not said, if she even peeked into them. She does own them. [She Denies that she has a Diary. But at one point in life events, she did tell me she had/has the journal.]
Note 2. I suspect that this information might pertain to William's Mother's family. The Luhmann immigration. Perhaps somehow the information was misinterpreted. But, I have not proven a Luhmann descenant in Oregon. There is one there from Michigan.? Those are not from Eichdorf. ?? Maybe more on this at another time.
Note 3. Schmobel Schmoble. Verl Matthews told me that one of the children in the family [Meyer/ Nahnsen I think] went to visit this family while her son was in Scotland at that time. I wanted to contact that persons daughter from the Nahnsen family, but I was told there was Alzeheimers involved there. At that time Verl was really sick. So he didn't check into it for me. I should see who there could be to ask in the Nahnsen family. Verl made a statement after the other one, that William was so unhappy about the change of life in germany from what Germany was before it became Hannover Kingdom. Then especially from that to the Federation of German states under the second King william and Bismark. [Prussia] I can see why.
Note 4. If I could have some luck with the vital records of Marriages. Maybe I could find something more on this through that means. Standesamt. Civil Registration
Of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Local offices and maybe through census at the Morman records. I have found 1925 records at these areas in Germany.
the downside is that economy these days does not let me enter much money for the cause. Requesting Records could get expensive. Also from the church.
Note 5. I learned recently they would probably need more than I was sending to them. Because of the cost to cash in a check and the inflation of our dollar.
MY SPECULATION: I suspect after Katharina Margaretha Luhmann died; the husband Juergen Friedrich Meyer remarried. I have no proof yet. If that is the case, I find it very strange that
nowhere in the Meyer Family Book is a second marriage mentioned. Unless that is the only way the family wanted to sort of mention it was with the obituary after Juergen Hch. William Meyer's death. As mentioned above that he mentioned two unknown unrecorded Meyer brothers.
William immigrated 1884. After his father had died. His death was 1879. His mother died 1856. When Fred jr. was about four or five years old.
Fred Jr. himself emigrated from Hamburg in 28.april.1869. So both sons would have been there during the remarriage years of the father, if he had done so. If the father had decided not to remarry there were older sisters to help care for little Fred jr. and his young sisters. I am sure there were cousins, who were very helpful. It is just strange that nothing was mentioned. It must be the reason that William states he has two other brothers. Either they are illegitimate from ealier years or they were born after Fred. Maybe they just were not recorded among the records that I had requested from the church archives. Perhaps, they could be recorded in another church archives?
I find nothing on the two extra brothers. !!??
More still on the information about his sisters at another time.
If you have any suggestions here. I'd love to get some hunting hints.